Planting Instructions for Bare Root Roses
Leave the package in a cool, frost free place (garage, outbuilding) the rose trees will remain in good condition for up to 2-3 weeks (longer if necessary), please ensure the roots are kept moist. Do not allow the roots to dry out. Should they be dry, immerse in water - do not soak for more than a few hours.
Prepare the ground by digging deeply and if possible incorporating bulky organic matter into the soil i.e. well rotted farmyard manure or other rotted vegetable matter.
Dig a hole large enough to accommodate the roots. Ensure the planting depth is correct. The union, where the shoots meet the roots, should be an inch below the soil.
Plant firmly - spread the roots out and backfill, tread around the plant, ensure it is tight in the ground. When planting Standard Roses, the knuckle, which is just above the rootsshould be above soil level.

Rose Soil Sickness
Newly planted roses seldom thrive in old rose beds:
Before re-planting, in an old rose bed, it is advisable to do one of the following- renew the soil, use an appropriate disinfectant, or apply 'Rootgrow'.
Changing the Soil:
When planting a new bed completely dig out the soil to a depth of 12 inches. Fresh soil from another part of the garden is suitable. When planting amongst other roses, dig a large hole and re-fill with new soil.
A friendly fungus that combats the problem of 'soil sickness'. Place the rose bush in the hole and sprinkle the granules on the ends of the roots. It is very important that these granules are in direct contact with the plant roots - so ensure they do not drop through into the bottom of the hole and that they stick to the roots. They work best on the feeder roots.
One 60g sachet will be sufficient to plant 2 bushes. After application, carefully fill as normal with soil/compost. When planting container roses sprinkle the granules at the bottom of the hole and place the soil ball on them - carefully backfill as normal.
To promote root growth, incorporate a suitable planting mixture around the roots. We recommend John Innes No.3 compost. Alternatively, use a mixture of peat and bone meal - 2 handfuls of Bone Meal mixed with a bucket of peat - will plant 2-3 bushes.
Getting the best from your Roses
Roses are easy to grow and require very little attention. However, they are extremely rewarding and with a little additional care the results can be amazing.
After pruning top dress with Rose Fertiliser, apply again after the first flowering (some rose fertilisers recommend feeding monthly through the season) - we recommend 'Toprose' as it contains most of the necessary trace elements. For best results we suggest regular watering, especially during dry spells - incorporate a liquid feed every 7-10 days. Try to avoid wetting the foliage late in the evening.
To promote strong healthy growth we advise "Uncle Tom's Rose Tonic". It is a natural product that not only feeds the roots but also promotes healthier growth and dramatically improves disease resistance.
Begin spraying early in the season and continue every 10-14 days.
The best conditions for spraying are when it is dull and cool. In hot sunny weather spray early morning and late afternoon.
Dead head after flowering so that the plant's energy is conserved for producing new flowering shoots.

Helpful Products
Rootgrow 200g - £6.99 & 60g - £2.99
Rootgrow combats rose soil sickness and solves the rose re-plant problem. A great new product for plants - especially roses. Rootgrow is a mycorrhizal - a 'friendly fungus' that when used, attaches itself to the roots and grows a second root system that not only benefits the plant during transplanting, but helps it become stronger, healthier and more vibrant. More importantly, as far as roses are concerned, it combats rose sickness. With Rootgrow, roses can be planted in existing rose beds without changing the soil - making an easy effective solution.

Rootgrow Gel for bare root plants 360g - £11.99
The best product for bare-root roses. Just add the gel to 4 litres of water and leave for 15 minutes, add the Rootgrow granules and stir to a consistency of wallpaper paste. Dip the roses in the gel, allow to drain and plant immediately.
My Garden Rose Tonic 500ml - £9.99
Feeds and defends against disease. A terrific plant food that not only feeds your roses but also promotes healthier growth and dramatically improves disease resistance. It is used by professionals and recommended by the British Rose Growers Association.Use after pruning and every week or two during the growing season for healthier, happier roses. Can be used as a drench or foliar spray.One litre will treat approximately 100 rose bushes for a season.